RAAP’s Projects

International projects

Code is Loading Project (Erasmus+)

With this project an international online sharing platform will be established. Various programming language terms, resources, videos, visuals and various teaching materials will be provided in this platform for those who want to learn coding-programming. Partners: Bursa İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü (Bursa Provincial Directorate Of National Education- Bursa MEM, Turkey), Ali Osman Sönmez Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi (Ali Osman Sönmez Vocational and Technical High School – AOS MTAL, Turkey), Liceo Scienze Umane “E.Gianturco” (Italy), Bálint Márton Általános és Középiskola (BMÁKI, Hungary), Universidad De Castilla – La Mancha (UCLM, Spain), Europa Training (UK) Ltd , Centrum Edukacyjne EST (EST, Poland), Agrupamento De Escolas Domingos Sequeir (AAEDS/CCEMS, Portugal)   

URL: http://codeisloading.com/

Wearable methodology project (Erasmus+)

New methodology based on the use of innovative technologies for education. Partners: Anton Diaz School and the University of Castilla La Mancha (Spain), St. Kliment Ohridski School (Bulgaria), and  Zoranić Petar Nin School (Croatia).

URL: http://www.wearablemethodology.eu

National projects

Innovative Technologies and Applications for Data Centres and High-Performance Computers

The overall objective of this coordinated project is to develop techniques to improve the scalability of these the servers of Data Centres in terms of performance and energy. Applications will also be developed that take advantage of these improvements.

URL: https://www.i3a.uclm.es/raap/?page_id=1137

PEGASO: Performance-based Guided Approach SOlution

Two lines of research are being pursued. The main aim of the first one is to develop different avionics navigation systems that will allow the aircrafts performing approach and landing manoeuvres to do it in a more efficient way. The second one is related to the safe integration of UAS in the airspace, developing different navigations algorithms especially focused on the resolution of conflicts between UAS, minimizing the overhead produced by the deviations introduced.

URL: https://www.i3a.uclm.es/raap/?page_id=25

TETRA: Efficient Techniques for Advanced Interconnect Technologies

In this project we propose developing techniques that, from different aspects of the network, improve the efficiency and exploitation of leading interconnection-network technologies, in order to allow the configuration of network infrastructures able to efficiently interconnect a higher number of computing and storage nodes

URL: http://hipineb.i3a.info/tetra-project/

Improvements of Video coding and distribution over Wi-Fi networks

This research project aims to address the challenge of improving the quality of service (QoS) in the encoding and transmission of multimedia content over wireless networks, taking into account the quality of experience (QoE) of the end user, and ensuring that the privacy, integrity and confidentiality of the transmitted data are guaranteed.

URL: https://acca-group.info/wp-admin/post.php?post=119&action=edit

Advanced Routing, Congestion Control and Quality-of-Service Mechanisms in HPC Fabrics such as Intel® Omnipath

At a high-level, this research collaboration proposal will focus on two lines of work: 1. Develop new routing algorithms and congestion control mechanisms that will improve the predictability and performance of interconnection networks for key topologies. 2. Develop advanced mechanisms for Quality-of-Service (QoS), leveraging the architecture definition of the interconnection network, specifically targeting public Intel® Omnipath® features.

URL: https://www.i3a.uclm.es/raap/?page_id=1060

Techniques to improve the architecture of servers, applications and services.

We develop research on chip-multicore architecture and on-chip networks, aiming at increasing performance, reducing power consumption, increasing reliability by means of providing fault-tolerance support, increasing flexibility through virtualization techniques, and reducing silicon area.

URL: https://www.i3a.uclm.es/raap/?page_id=723

Increasing on-chip network efficiency for improving the performance of chip multiprocessors supporting simultaneous parallel applications (2014-2017).

We propose new techniques to improve network performance, thereby also improving the performance of individual applications when they simultaneously run in chip multiprocessor.

URL: https://www.i3a.uclm.es/raap/?page_id=89

Ecosense II, Smart Energy Management System based on Wireless Sensor and Actuators Networks.

Ecosense II expects to implement an heterogeneous network to manage smart objects for different IoT applications using innovative communications standards (Bluetooth Low Energy, LoRa, ZigBee, WiFi, etc.).

URL: http://ecosenseiot.wordpres.com

Ecosense I, Smart Energy Management System based on Wireless Sensor and Actuators Networks.+

Deployment of a wireless sensor network in the I3A to collect control, security and environmental indoor data. The result was the implementation of a real testbed, the I3ASensorBed, to test our applications and protocols easily.

URL: https://www.i3a.uclm.es/raap/?page_id=763